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That’s Not My Merkin… SOLD OUT!

Unshorne don’t-touch books are embarrassed to present That’s Not My Merkin… Don’t bother looking for these other titles in the Unshorne don’t-touch series: That’s not my finger… That’s not my front bottom… That’s not legal in seven states! They just don’t exist.

Price: £0.00£0.00
Out of Stock


That’s Not My Merkin… SOLD OUT!

PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THIS BOOKLET – I am no longer selling it following a communication from Robert Jones, General Manager at Usborne Publishing asking we withdraw it.

I may not accept Usborne’s argument that this obvious and clearly-stated parody is a infringement of their Intellectual Property, copyright or trademarks or that their threat of legal action has any merit, but this was never produced as a commercial project, its listing here was a way covering costs to pass our final copies along to interested parties.

We respect that Usborne have a duty to police their IPs and there is no freedom-of-speech issue to be fought here so this booklet is no longer for sale on Comicsy or any other outlet I have control over.


12pp parody of the That’s Not My XXX… books familiar to every parent but this one is most definitely not aimed at children (although it is not explicitly rude – so you won’t need to hide it away).

From the back cover: This tasteless book is aimed at the parents of very young children. The bright pictures, with added cheeky photos, are not designed to develop any sort of awareness. Babies and toddlers may love turning the pages and touching the pictures, but don’t let them! 

Written and illustrated  by Simon Russell (

Conceived, as these things invariably are, over drinks in The Alps, this paper booklet represents 6 famous works of art with genitalia obscured by (very) weird and wonderful(?) pubic ‘wigs’.

Fun times may be had by parents parents weary of formulaic childrens’ board books who can identify the original artworks or by adventurous cosplayers looking for ideas!

Or they may not!

That’s Not My Merkin… was produced as a not-for-profit sample and practice project. I am selling my spare copies to share with enthusiasts or give to relatives as small stocking stuffers.

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