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Bio 13 Cover
Art by Edward Whatley

100% Biodegradable issue 13 – Digital Download

Inside issue 13 of 100% Biodegradable: A war hungry colonel cryogenically freezes himself in the hope of skipping ahead to where the action’s at in Tony Suleri and David Hailwood’s Everlasting Peace, A diminutive space skull seeks vengeance on humanities overlords in […]

Price: £0.69


100% Biodegradable issue 13 – Digital Download

Inside issue 13 of 100% Biodegradable: A war hungry colonel cryogenically freezes himself in the hope of skipping ahead to where the action’s at in Tony Suleri and David Hailwood’s Everlasting Peace, A diminutive space skull seeks vengeance on humanities overlords in Kek-W (2000ad, Cap’n Dinosaur) and Lukasz Kowalczuk’s (Aces Weekly, Vreckless Vrestlers) Tiny Skull Attack, Travis and Rourke take on a ruthless undead army of Deadbolts in the penultimate part of John Freeman (Judge Dredd Megazine, Crucible) and Brett Burbridge’s Death Duty, and a young girl with incredible powers might be all that stands between humanity and extinction in Chris Redfern (Futurequake, Sliced Quarterly) and Edward Whatley’s (The Gathering, Dober-Man) Atomic Control.  All this, and more!

Script: Chris Redfern.  Art: Edward Whatley

Script: Chris Redfern. Art: Edward Whatley

Death Duty page 3 (Art by Brett Burbridge)

Death Duty page 3 (Art by Brett Burbridge)

The digital anthology is 36 pages, colour and b/w. 15+ age rating, due to excessive gunfire and explosions, with the odd decapitation or two thrown in for chuckles.


“A brilliant mix of dry humour, action, and story driven narrative.” – Robert Bagley, A Place To Hang Your Cape

“The kind of smart script and stylish art that would feel right at home in the pages of the galaxys greatest comic!” Alex Thomas, Pipedream Comics

“Good old fashioned sci-fi escapism, and the art of Tony Suleri is worth the entrance fee alone” Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier

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